Location: DH 1117 Overview: Zoom instead of HH A312: https://cmu.zoom.us/j/3201808397 email: franzf@ece.cmu.edu web: http://www.ece.cmu.edu/~franzf TA Sanil Rao office hours: Mondays 1:00pm–2:00pm. Zoom instead of HH 1305 email: sanilr@andrew.cmu.edu ECE IT Helpdesk: HH A204 walk-in Monday–Friday 8:00am–5:00pm email: help@ece.cmu.edu Course Canvas link: https://canvas.cmu.edu/courses/13266
Tentative Course Calendar |
Date | Day | Class Activity |
January | ||
14 | Tues. | State of computing: What is the current state of the art from embedded devices through desktops, servers, and consumer systems all the way to cloud, HPC, and supercomputing |
16 | Thurs. | The ECE Computing Environment: number cluster, Andrew systems, capability machines, GPU access, cloud access, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center and XSEDE |
21 | Tues. | Computer architecture: Relevant computer architecture concepts |
23 | Thurs. | Software stack: ISA, operating system, virtualization, messaging, containers |
28 | Tues. | Mathematics for Engineers: The central role of numerical linear algebra |
30 | Thurs. | Algorithm analysis, scalability, complexity: Getting answers in time |
February | ||
4 | Tues. | Field trip: ECE Computing/Cyert Hall |
6 | Thurs. | Parallelization: Sequential vs. parallel algorithms, scalability vs. performance |
11 | Tues. | Need for speed: Principles of code optimization, when and how to optimize code |
13 | Thurs. | Cloud computing and HPC: Amazon EC2/Windows Azure/Google Cloud, Computational Grids, Scientific Workflows, Computing Centers |
18 | Tues. | Numerical Analysis: How good are your answers? How to make them better? |
20 | Thurs. | Guest Lecture: Quantum Computing and Quantum Algorithms |
25 | Tues. | Scalable algorithms: Dense numerical linear algebra, CNNs/DNNs/ FFTs |
27 | Thurs. | Scalable algorithms: Graph algorithms and sparse numerical linear algebra |
March | ||
3 | Tues. | Scalable algorithms: ODE and PDE solvers, stencils, filters, discretization |
5 | Thurs. | Scalable algorithms: Discrete and continuous optimization, ML training |
6 | Fri. | Mid-Semester Break; No Classes |
9-13 | Spring Break; No Classes | |
17 | Tues. | Cancelled. Switching to Zoom online lectures. From now on: https://cmu.zoom.us/j/3201808397 |
19 | Thurs. | Scalable algorithms: Informatics, symbolic computing, higher level AI algorithms |
24 | Tues. | Scalable algorithms: Statistics: Monte Carlo, MCMC, statistical machine learning |
26 | Thurs. | Data and Visualization: Data sets, data visualization and tables, data bases |
31 | Tues. | Modern CPUs: Super-Scalar Out-of-order, multicore, ISA extensions |
April | ||
2 | Thurs. | Modern CPUs—Vector Extensions: How to double/quadruple your peak performance quickly |
7 | Tues. | Hardware Acceleration: GPUs, FPGAs, TPU, Tensor Cores, . . . |
9 | Thurs. | From productivity to performance: C++, OpenMP, MPI, CUDA, Autotuning |
14 | Tues. | Homework—Lessons learned: What we learned and found strange |
16-17 | No Classes; Spring Carnival | |
21 | Tues. | Research Talk: SPIRAL: Formal Software Synthesis of Computational Kernels |
23 | Thurs. | PhD Student Project Presentations |
28 | Thurs. | Guest Lecture: Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center and Usable HPC and High Performance AI/ML |
30 | Tues. | Summary: What we have learned and where to go from here |
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MS Homework and PhD Project
In this course we will use a large variety of machines in the homeworks and projects:
Software Platforms
In the course we will try out a number of high-level languages and libraries in these languages:
We will use algorithms covered in the lecture as simple examples to experiment across the machines and software platforms. Students either implement the algorithms themselves or find implementations online, and then run them on the target machines to perform scalability studies. Algorithm groups targeted in the homeworks are as following:
MS Homework Deliverables
Homework 1 to 4 will have as deliverables examples that run the specified/chosen algorithms on the specified/chosen machines for a range of problem sizes. The homework submission consists of the following:
MS Project Deliverables
Homework 5 has as deliverable a blog post addressing the following aspects of the problem:
PhD Project Deliverables
An (up to) 6-page paper in the IEEE HPEC style (http://www.ieee-hpec.org/cfp.htm) addressing the following aspects of the problem:
The paper is expected to be a real HPEC paper that could reasonably be presented at the conference as poster or presentation. Projects with good results that fit the conference should be considered for actual submission to the conference if the advisor agrees. The conference submission deadline is May 22, 2020.
In addition to the paper a final presentation will be given on April 23. The presentation is expected to be about 10 minutes long and to cover the 8 items also addressed in the paper. The suggestion is to allocate one slide to each topic above, and maybe dive deeper for one or two of the topics in a second slide.
On February 13 all PhD students will present an initial project overview that covers the first four topics above (outcome is to be discussed as expected outcome).
PhD students should attend the instructor office hours to define their project and check in before the overview and the final presentation for sign-off.
Course Summary
Date | Details | Activity | Time |
Thu Feb 20, 2020 | Assignment | MS: Homework 1: Getting Started, Scalability of Linear Algebra | due by 11:59pm |
Tue Mar 3, 2020 | Assignment | MS: Homework 2: Parallelism, Scaling, Performance | due by 11:59pm |
Tue Mar 24, 2020 | Assignment | MS: Homework 3: CNNs, DNNs and Graph Algorithms | due by 11:59pm |
Tue Apr 7, 2020 | Assignment | MS: Homework 4: AI, ML, Statistics | due by 11:59pm |
Wed Apr 22, 2020 | Assignment | PhD: Final Presentation | due by 11:59pm |
Tue Apr 28, 2020 | Assignment | MS: Homework 5: Final Project: Blog Post | due by 11:59pm |
Thu Apr 30, 2020 | Assignment | PhD: Final Project | due by 11:59pm |
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