a picture of dawn

Dawn Song

Assistant Professor, ECE & CS Dept.
Carnegie Mellon University

Research Interests

Computer security and applied cryptography, including security in systems, networking, and databases. Applications of program analysis, model checking, and software engineering techniques to computer security. Theory of cryptology. Algorithms, especially randomized algorithms, algorithms for networking and large datasets.

You may find a list of my technical papers and publications here.

PhD Students

I'm fortunate to work with a group of outstanding students: John Bethencourt, David Brumley, Juan Caballero, Debin Gao, Cody Hartwig, Min Gyung Kang, James Newsome, Pongsin Pookansam, Shobha Venkataraman.

Current Teaching

Professional Activities

I'm serving on the steering committee for: I've co-organized the following workshops/conferences: I've served on the program committees for the following conferences:

Contact Info

Office: CIC 2122
412-268-4268 (O)
412-268-6779 (Fax)
Assistant: Helen Borek-Conti (412-268-3360)