WiSe 2003: Preliminary Program

Session 1: Location
Session Chair: Stephen Zabele

Secure Verification of Location Claims
Naveen Sastry (UC Berkeley), Umesh Shankar (UC Berkeley), and David Wagner (UC Berkeley)

Wireless LAN Location-Sensing for Security Applications
Ping Tao (Rice), Algis Rudys (Rice), Andrew Ladd (Rice), and Dan Wallach (Rice)

Session 2: Secure Routing
Session Chair: Brian van Leeuwen

BISS: Building secure routing out of an incomplete set of security associations
Srdjan Capkun (EPFL) and Jean-Pierre Hubaux (EPFL)

Rushing Attacks and Defense in Wireless Ad Hoc Network Routing Protocols
Yih-Chun Hu (CMU), Adrian Perrig (CMU), and David Johnson (Rice)

Secure Data Transmission in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Panagiotis Papadimitratos (Cornell) and Zygmunt Haas (Cornell)

Session 3: Posters

Key Pre-Distribution Using Sensor Pre-Deployment Knowledge
Wenliang Du (Syracuse University), Lei Fang (Syracuse University), Ronghua Wang (Syracuse University), and Shigang Chen (University of Florida)

Detecting Wormhole Attacks in Ad Hoc Networks without Clock Synchronization Assumption
Weichao Wang (Purdue), Bharat Bhargava (Purdue), Yi Lu (Purdue), and Xiaoxin Wu (Purdue)

Authentication for Network Access Control using DHCPv6
Parijat Mishra (Institute for Infocomm Research Singapore), Matthew Lim Boon Kiat (National University of Singapore), and Winston Seah Khoon Guan (Institute for Infocomm Research Singapore)

Dynamic Fingerprints: Improving the Usability of Peer-to-Peer Authentication
Lyn Bartram (Colligo), Barry Jinks (Colligo), Nick Sawadsky (Colligo)


Session 4: Invited Presentations
Session Chair: Douglas Maughan

Location Privacy - Why should we care?
Markus Jakobsson (RSA Laboratories)

What should we submit next year to WiSe? Research challenges in wireless security (PPT slides available)
Jean-Pierre Hubaux (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, EPFL)

Session 5: Securing Wireless Applications
Session Chair: Jean-Pierre Hubaux

ESCORT: A Decentralized and Localized Access Control System for Mobile Wireless Access to Secured Domains
Jiejun Kong (UCLA), Shirshanka Das (UCLA), Edward Tsai (UCLA), and Mario Gerla (UCLA)

On Securely Enabling Intermediary-Based Services and Performance Enhancements for Wireless Mobile Users
Sneha Kasera (Bell Labs), Semyon Mizikovsky (Bell Labs), Ganapathy Sundaram (Bell Labs), and Thomas Woo (Bell Labs)

Session 6: Secure Wireless Protocols
Session Chair: Markus Jakobsson

Alert Aggregation in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Bo Sun (Texas A&M), Kui Wu (University of Victoria), and Udo Pooch (Texas A&M)

An Authentication Framework for Hierarchical Ad Hoc Sensor Networks
Mathias Bohge (TU Berlin) and Wade Trappe (Rutgers)

On the Security of Wireless Network Access with Enhancements
Lein Harn (University of Missouri) and Wen-Jung Hsin (University of Missouri)