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Case II: Real-time Video Broadcast


Assume we want to broadcast signed video on the Internet. The system requirements are as follows:

The high packet drop rate makes it difficult for signature packets to reach the receiver. To increase the likelihood of signature packets to arrive, we send them twice -- but within a delay, since packet loss is correlated. If we approximate the loss probability by assuming the signature packet losses are uncorrelated if they are sent within a delay, the probability that one of them arrives is approximately 1 - 0.62 = 0.64. Since the packet loss is so high and verification delay relatively short, we send a a signature packet every 200 packets. This translates to about 2.5 signatures per second, which we consider as a low computational overhead. We assume that the signature packets have about the same size as the data packets, so in 512 bytes we can fit one 1024-bit RSA signature and the 80 bit hash of 40 previous packets.

We chose these parameters based on good engineering practice. To find better parameters for the number of chunks that the hash is split into and the number of chunks required to verify the packet, we used a simulation. The simulation shows that the best combination for this case uses 50 bytes per packet to insert 25 chunks of two bytes of the hash of previous packets. Including the signature packets, the average communication overhead is about 55 bytes per packet. The simulation predicts the average verification probability over the final 2000 packets of 97%, with the minimum verification probability 90%.

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Adrian Perrig
Sat Sep 2 17:01:14 PDT 2000