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A public key system as hard as factoring

It is possible in theory that there is some way of computing tex2html_wrap_inline1200 for the system in the previous section that does not involve determining p and q. In the original RSA paper [RSA78], the authors say

It may be possible to prove that any general method of breaking our scheme yields an efficient factoring algorithm. This would establish that any way of breaking our scheme must be as difficult as factoring. We have not been able to prove this conjecture, however.

To see the difficulties involved in trying to prove such a thing, suppose that one could show that knowledge of a ciphertext f(M) and a plaintext M enabled one to find p and q. Then one could factor n as follows:

  1. Choose any M.
  2. Compute f(M). (Remember, we are assuming f is publicly available. Furthermore, f(M) can't be too hard to compute, or the code would be impractical.)
  3. Use the assumed method to obtain p, q.

In words, we are unable to distinguish between the situation in which f(M) is obtained from M (easy) and the (presumably difficult) situation in which M is obtained from f(M).

Rabin has suggested an alternative to the RSA system in which there is a direct connection to factoring. As in RSA, n=pq is announced publicly, with primes p, q kept secret. For technical reasons, we assume tex2html_wrap_inline1330 . The encoding function is


The way we avoid the difficulty described above is that there are four numbers tex2html_wrap_inline1334 with tex2html_wrap_inline1336 . The key facts are:

  1. If p,q are known, it is easy to compute all the tex2html_wrap_inline1340 given f(M).
  2. If we are given n, f(M), and all the tex2html_wrap_inline1340 , we can calculate p, q.
We are not able to obtain p, q from just one of the tex2html_wrap_inline1340 , so the approach based on M and f(M) described above won't work. One drawback of this system is that, even with knowledge of p and q, one can only say the number sent is one of the four tex2html_wrap_inline1340 , without being able to identify which one. In practice, this is not serious, since it is very unlikely that more than one of the tex2html_wrap_inline1340 would correspond to a feasible message.

Unfortunately, this cryptosystem is vulnerable to a chosen-plaintext attack, even if we assume that the person trying to break the code gets only one of the tex2html_wrap_inline1340 , chosen randomly. The attacker keeps generating pairs M, f(M) until he gets an tex2html_wrap_inline1340 with tex2html_wrap_inline1380 or q.

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Adrian Perrig
Fri May 31 09:07:38 MET DST 1996