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We use the following notation to describe security protocols and cryptographic operations in this paper.

A, B are principals, such as communicating nodes
NA is a nonce generated by A (a nonce is an unpredictable bit string, usually used to achieve freshness).
M1 | M2 denotes the concatenation of messages M1 and M2
KAB denotes the secret (symmetric) key which is shared between A and B
{M}KAB is the encryption of message M with the symmetric key shared by A and B.
{M}KAB,IV denotes the encryption of message M, with key KAB, and the initialization vector IV which is used in encryption modes such as cipher-block chaining (CBC), output feedback mode (OFB), or counter mode (CTR) [9, 21, 22].

By a secure channel, we mean a channel that offers confidentiality, data authentication, integrity, and freshness.

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Adrian Perrig
Fri Jun 1 22:51:44 PDT 2001