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The registers saving text or points are the same. Any register can either hold text or a position
A subexpression is a logical entity in a program. For example an identifier, a block inside parenthesis, for examples are subexpressions.
The C-c + key combinations are good candidates for shortcuts, as they are not often used for other commands. If you would like to check if a key combination is already used, type M-x describe-key-briefly followed by your key combination
On some keyboards, C-h is identical with the backspace key. Usually it is practical to redefine the backspace (and also C-h) to delete the previous character with the command (global-set-key "1#1C-h" 'backward-delete-char) . To start the help system in this case, we need to type M-x help.

Adrian Perrig
Wed Jun 12 00:18:25 MET DST 1996