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Full paper: Postscript, PS.GZ, PDF

AGVI- Automatic Generation, Verification, and Implementation of Security Protocols

Dawn Song -
Adrian Perrig -
Doantam Phan


As new Internet applications emerge, new security protocols and systems need to be designed and implemented. Unfortunately the current protocol design and implementation process is often ad-hoc and error prone. To solve this problem, we have designed and implemented a toolkit AGVI, Automatic Generation, Verification, and Implementation of Security Protocols. With AGVI, the protocol designer inputs the system specification (such as cryptographic key setup) and security requirements. AGVIwill then automatically find the near-optimal protocols for the specific application, proves the correctness of the protocols and implement the protocols in Java. Our experiments have successfully generated new and even simpler protocols than the ones documented in the literature.

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Adrian Perrig
Mon Jun 4 22:31:29 PDT 2001