Fall 2024 | Prof.
Philip Koopman
Carnegie Mellon University,
ECE Department
Fall 2024 was the final offering of this course. |
This course and its materials have
been retired, and are no longer being maintained.
Thanks to all the students who offered suggestions for improvement each year,
and best wishes for successful careers!
[Main Course Page] | [FAQ] |
Syllabus is subject to change as the instructor deems necessary based on resource limitations and other conditions.
Fall 2024 Lecture Date |
Lect. # |
Lecture Slides For reference |
Video Lectures Due on Wednesday night |
Homeworks Due on Following Monday Night |
Group Exercise Due on Following Wednesday Night |
Project Due on Following Friday Night |
Monday 26-Aug-2024 |
Classes Start | Project 1 intro video is playable on Canvas assignment page. | Proj #1 (Startup) Due Fri 30-Aug-2024 |
Thursday 29-Aug-2024 Week 1 |
1 | Course Topics Overview | Embedded Software Code Quality, Safety, Security (44 min) |
HW #01 Self Intro (DUE Wed 28-Aug-2024) |
Proj #2 (Initial
Cleanup) Due Fri 6-Sep-2024 |
2 | Admin Info | Course Overview & Administrative Matters (Video on Canvas only) (40 min) |
HW #02 Computer Safety Literacy Stories; slide & video (DUE Tue 3-Sep-2024) |
3 | SW Process | SW Process (49 min) |
HW #03 Software
Process Due Wed 11-Sep-2024 |
128 | Autonomous Vehicles and Software Safety Engineering | Autonomous Vehicles and Software Safety Engineering (41 min) | ||||
120 | OPTIONAL Overview of Automated Vehicle Terminology and J3016 Levels (No quiz on Canvas) |
OPTIONAL AV: Overview of Automated Vehicle Terminology and J3016 Levels (20 min) |
Live: | Discuss: Q&A on course policy & content | In-class video on self-driving cars | Discuss: Self-intro Part 1 (HW #1) | Fill out weekly survey after class each week. | ||
Mon 2-Sep |
Labor Day No office hours |
Thu. 5-Sep Week 2 |
4 | Code Style for Humans | Code Style for
Humans (15 min) |
Proj #3 (Code Style) Due 13-Sep-2024 |
5 | Code Style for Compilers | Code Style for
Compilers (21 min) |
6 | Peer Reviews | Peer Reviews (33 min) |
GP Ex #06 Peer Review Exercise |
7 | Spaghetti Code | Spaghetti (18 min) |
HW #7 Spaghetti Code(Normal due date: Monday 9-Sep-2024) | |||
Live: | Guest 6 PM: Dr. Charles Shelton, Bosch |
Finish Self-Intro/ Peer Review Exercise |
Thu. 12-Sep Week 3 |
8 | Global Variables | Globals (13 min) |
Proj #4 (Group Peer
Review & Display Change) Due 20-Sep-2024 |
9 | Requirements | Requirements (24 min) |
HW #9 Turtle Requirements | GP Ex #09 Alarm Clock Requirements |
10 | Stack Overflow | Stack Overflow (8 min + optional videos) |
11 | Toyota UA Case Study | Toyota UA (60 min) |
HW #11 Case Study | |||
L131 | OPTIONAL: How Safe Is Safe Enough for Autonomous Vehicles? No Quiz; strictly optional |
OPTIONAL: How Safe Is Safe Enough for Autonomous Vehicles? (55 min) |
Live: | Discuss: HW #3, HW #7 | Discuss: HW #2 (failure stories) | ||||
Thu. 19-Sep Week 4 |
12 | Software Architecture and HLD | Software Architecture
and HLD (15 min) |
GP Ex #12: Alarm
clock Sequence Diagrams |
Proj #5 (Refactor &
Design) Due 27-Sep-2024 |
13 | Statecharts | Statecharts (19 min) |
HW #13 Turtle Robot Statechart | |||
14 | Traceability | Traceability (11 min) |
101 | AV: Software Safety for Vehicle Automation -- Intro | AV: Software Safety for
Vehicle Automation -- Intro (10 min) |
Live: | Guest 6 PM: Alex Roy, The Autonocast |
Discuss: HW #9 | ||||
Thu. 26-Sep Week 5 |
15 | Testing Overview | Testing
Overview (20 min) |
GP Ex #16: Alarm
clock Statechart |
Proj #6 (Redesign SD and
Requirements) Due 4-Oct-2024 |
16 | Unit Testing | Unit Testing (18 min) |
HW #16 Test Design | |||
17 | Integration Testing | Integration
Testing (15 min) |
18 | System Level Test | System Level
Test (18 min) |
Live: | 6 PM Guest: Prof. Missy Cummings, George Mason Univ. |
Discuss: GP #12 | ||||
Thu. 3-Oct Week 6 |
19 | Date & Time | Date & Time (26 min) |
HW #19 Time Stories | GP #p05 Peer Review Proj 5 | Proj #7 (Redesign
Statechart and Code) Due 25-Oct-2024 |
20 | Race Conditions | Concurrency & Race
Conditions (21 min) |
HW #20 Mid-Semester
Cumulative Review HW (Start early! Due after break on MONDAY 21-Oct-2024) |
21 | SQA Isn't Testing | SQA Isn't
Testing (13 min) |
22 | Software Maintenance | Software Maintenance
(15 min) |
Live: | 6 PM Guest: Michael Lucido, General Motors |
Discuss: GP #16 | ||||
Thu. 10-Oct Week 7 |
23 | Key Metrics | Key Metrics (13 min) |
GP #p06 Peer Review of Proj
6 (due after break) |
24 | Lifcycle & CM | Lifecycle &
CM (19 min) |
25 | Floating Point Pitfalls | Floating Point
Pitfalls (17 min) |
HW #25 Floating Point (due after break on Tuesday 22-Oct-2024) | |||
102 | AV: Validating Machine Learning-Based Systems | AV: Validating Machine
Learning-Based Systems (30 min) |
Live: | 6 PM Guest: Chris Hannesson, JD, Magna |
7 PM Guest: Finch Fulton, K&L Gates |
Thu. 17-Oct |
No Class Mid-semester break No office Hours all week |
Thu. 24-Oct Week 8 |
26 | Safety Overview | Software Safety
Overview (16 min) |
HW #27 Dependability | GP #p07 Peer Review of Proj 7 | Proj #8 (Static Analysis, Build) Due 1-Nov-2024 |
27 | Dependability | Dependability (19 min) |
28 | Critical Systems | Critical
Systems (21 min) |
29 | Safety Plans | Safety Plan (26 min) |
Live: | Retrospective Q&A | |||||
Thu. 31-Oct Week 9 |
30 | Single Points of Failure | Single Points of
Failure (17 min) |
HW #38 Security Stories 1 | GP #p08 Peer Review of Proj 8 | Proj #9 (Unit Test part
1) Due 8-Nov-2024 |
31 | Safety Requirements | Safety
Requirements (17 min) |
32 | Critical System Isolation | Critical System
Isolation (17 min) |
103 | AV: SOTIF and Edge Cases | AV: SOTIF and Edge
Cases (31 min) |
Live: | 7 PM Guest: Vance Hilderman, AZFuzion |
Tue 5-Nov | Democracy Day Contact instructor for flexibility due to civic involvement on this day. |
Assignment due dates remain unchanged. | ||||
Thu. 7-Nov Week 10 |
33 | Redundancy Managment | Redundancy
Management (20 min) |
HW #39 Security Stories 2 | GP #P09 Peer Review of Proj 9 | Proj #10 (Unit Test part
2 & Runtime Monitor part 1) Due 15-Nov-2024 |
34 | Data Integrity | Data Integrity (29 min) |
104 | AV: Implications of Removing the Human Driver | AV: Implications of
Removing the Human Driver (32 min) |
105 | AV: Safety Architectures | AV: Safety
Architectures (28 min) |
L123 | OPTIONAL: Trust Governance for Autonomous Vehicle Deployment (No quiz) |
OPTIONAL: Trust Governance for Autonomous Vehicle Deployment 2022(33 min) |
Live: | Guest 6:00 PM: Dr. Mallory Graydon, NASA |
Guest 7:00 PM: Dr. Ensar Becic, NTSB | ||||
Thu. 14-Nov Week 11 |
35 | Cryptography | Cryptography (33 min) |
HW #40 End of Semester
Cumulative Review (Must be completed -- due last week of class) |
GP #P10 Peer Review of Proj 10 | Proj #11 (Runtime Monitor
part 2) Due Tuesday 26 Nov-2024 |
36 | Security Plans | Security Plan (29 min) |
37 | Security Threats | Security Threats (24 min) |
Live: | Guest 6:00 PM: Nat Beuse, Aurora Tech |
Guest 7:00 PM: Mystery Guest |
Thu. 21-Nov Week 12 |
38 | Security Vulnerabilities | Security
Vulnerabilities (29 min) |
GP #P11 Peer Review of
Proj 11 Due Tue. 03-Dec-2024 |
Proj #12
(Final Hand-in) COUNTS DOUBLE Due Sun. 8-Dec-2024 |
39 | Security Mitigation & Validation | Security
Mitigation & Validation (34 min) |
40 | Security Pitfalls | Security
Pitfalls (24 min) (This includes a review of previous concepts) |
Work on HW #40 this week. | |||
Live: | Guest 6:00 PM: Dr. Hassan Akram, Matrickz |
Guest 7:00 PM: Jackie Erickson |
25-26 Nov | University is in session Monday & Tuesday this week, including office hours | Do yourself a favor and finish rest of course lectures THIS week. | ||||
Thu. 28-Nov Week 13 |
No Class Meeting | Thanksgiving Break | Continue Working on Proj #12 | |||
27-29 Nov | No Office Hours Wed-Fri this week | Thanksgiving Break | ||||
Thu. 5-Dec Week 14 |
106 | AV: How Safe Is Safe Enough? | AV: How Safe
Is Safe Enough? (21 min) |
Continue Working on Proj #12 | ||
107 | AV: Building Trust | AV: Building
Trust (14 min) |
108 | AV: Getting to Deployed + Safe | AV: Getting to Deployed
+ Safe (14 min) |
Live: | Retrospective Q&A | |||||
Week 15 | FINALS WEEK No Class Meeting |
Please do end-of semester (W15) weekly survey after Project 12 hand-in. | Proj #12
(Final Hand-in) COUNTS DOUBLE Due SUNDAY 8-Dec-2024 |
Sat14-Dec-2024 | Last day to hand in late assignments. | No extensions past this date. |
Supplemental materials: