DSN 2008 Call for Papers:
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Link: Submission Web Site
The pervasiveness of computing entities implies that their utility is based on our trust in them to deliver the expected services in the presence of perturbations (design, operational or deliberate) encountered by them. Not only are we increasingly depending on such embedded networked systems, software and services, we are also reaching both complexity and technological limits where the very essence of reliability, safety and security requires a fundamental re-thinking. To advance the field, integrate theory and practice, and to exchange ideas and experiences, DCCS brings together academic and industrial researchers in dependability and security spanning all aspects of system/software design, assessment, validation and deployment.
We seek original papers reporting innovative conceptual or applied approaches and insightful practical results in all areas of dependable computing including:
New this year:
(1) Abstracts are mandatory for all papers except panel proposals
(2) There is an author rebuttal process
Link: Paper submission site
The abstract submission of a paper is mandatory, i.e., a paper will not be processed for reviewing unless an abstract with all the requisite author contact information has been received by the abstract deadline.
The DCCS submission page will be available for submission of plain text abstracts.
Manuscripts in the following categories will be considered for publication in the IEEE Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks.
Submissions will be judged based on their match with the conference scope, tackling a novel and meaningful problem with tangible utility and/or impact, an interesting solution, a properly articulated conceptualization and realization process, technical correctness and clear articulation of technical advances with proper coverage of contemporary and other relevant work. The extra page allowance in the above submission categories is to give room for detailed contact information, and to reduce the need for laborious length trimming in the draft. Final papers must meet the proceedings length requirement without exception. Authors are urged to use as little of the "bonus" page as possible to avoid later problems in deciding what sections of the paper to cut.
This is an archival quality venue. All manuscripts will be reviewed in their entirety by multiple reviewers and subject to a rigorous selection process. Papers must be submitted to the DCCS submission page only.
The only format accepted for submissions is IEEE Computer Society camera-ready 8.5"x11" two-column camera-ready format. This includes 10 point font on 12 point spacing for body text, and other particulars per the author guidelines below. Pages must be numbered. All submissions must have the entire paper in a single .pdf (Acrobat) file. Authors can obtain detailed information about formatting and style at http://www.computer.org/portal/site/cscps/. The below instructions and templates are reproduced below for your convenience. Embedding fonts where possible is recommended to improve portability. We strongly recommend you print out the file and review it yourself for integrity (fonts, symbols, equations etc.) before submitting it. A defective printing of your paper can undermine its chance of success.
Included within your page limit at the front of the paper please include:
Submissions that do not conform to the submission length/formatting/deadline guidelines, unoriginal work, previously published work, or work that is concurrently submitted to multiple venues will be disregarded without review. Absolutely no length extensions or allowance for smaller fonts beyond the stated limits and required formats will be granted.
Submissions are reviewed by multiple experts in the field including at least three Program Committee members and generally several non-PC experts. Papers are subject to discussion at a face-to-face paper selection meeting of the full Program Committee.
After the paper has been reviewed, but prior to the Program Committee paper selection meeting, the reviews will be made available to the authors to provide a forum for rebutting any factual errors that might be (or perceived to be) there in a review. Please note that this is NOT a forum to add any additional information on the paper, nor to submit an updated or revised paper.
The submissions website will contain full author-rebuttal guidelines. We expect the general guidelines to be: a specific and limited rebuttal period of approximately 48 hours; an enforced rebuttal limit of 500 words of plain text; and a limit of the nature of rebuttals to clarifications of factual errors or gross misinterpretation of paper contents in a review. Rebuttal content will be made available to all PC members before the paper is discussed for selection.
The William C. Carter Award is presented annually since 1997 to recognize an individual who has made a significant contribution to the field of dependable computing through his or her graduate dissertation research. The award honors the late William C. Carter, a key figure in the formation and development of the field of dependable computing. The award is sponsored by IEEE Technical Committee on Fault-Tolerant Computing (TC-FTC) and IFIP Working Group on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance (WG 10.4). To qualify, a paper based on the student's Ph.D. dissertation must have been submitted within DSN as a regular paper with the student as the first author. Both current and former graduate students, no more than two years past completion of their dissertations, are eligible. All nominated submissions accepted as regular papers to DSN in both the PDS and DCCS tracks are evaluated by the Steering Committee of the Conference.
Consideration for an award requires a nomination. Dissertation advisors
wishing to nominate a student should submit a plain ASCII nomination e-mail to
with the
All nomination submissions will be confirmed via return e-mail. If you do not receive a confirmation within 24 hours of sending the e-mail please contact the General Chair.